Designing Services That Deliver
The very first paper that in 1984 introduced the notion of service design, capturing the need of analysing and planning the way in which services are executed, in order to better meet users' expectations.
This is Service Design Doing
After the success of This is Service Design Thinking (2010), This is Service Design Doing describes the value, secrets, methods and processes of a practice that has reached its maturity.
Service Designer. Un progettista alle prese con sistemi complessi.
A book (in Italian) about the role and challenges a service design practitioners deals with nowadays, with a detailed analysis of hard and soft skills needed.
Design When Everybody Designs
A masterpiece to reflect on the role that design has in our current society, and the potential of addressing social innovation and develop a culture of sustaionability and resilience.
On craft and being crafty. Human behaviour as the object of design.
PhD dissertation exploring the way in which service design focuses on human behaviours, and the ethical implications around it.
Digital Methods for Service Design
A research about the development of new methodologies that look at online traces as interesting inspirations to reflect on service design and development.
Designing Better Services. A Strategic Approach from Design to Evaluation
This book provides accessible, comprehensive guidance on service design and enables practitioners approaching the discipline for the first time to develop the strategic mindset needed to exploit its innovation potential.