AI Functionalities Cards

Get inspired by the existing technologies to ideate service operations and experience improvements.

applied for



Service Staff





what is it

A set of cards that is listing a selection of current AI capabilities applicable to the services, which can stimulate the ideation process and inform the generation of opportunities for AI Landscape.

use it to

Inform the knowledge of AI capabilities and inspire the creative process.

remember to

Consider them as a starting point in the conversation, but not limit the ideation to them and present functionalities.

Preview image of the template for AI Functionalities Cards

step by step guidelines


Read through the set of cards to understand variety of technological capabilities and eventual connections between them.


Think in which parts of the service landscape they could be applied better to generate most value. Consider also the combinations of the functionalities and not just each single applied separately.

People with the tech background in the team can help to evaluate the applicability of some technologies in your service, but remember that ideation requires to stay open to a variety of opportunities, even if they might seem not much feasible at the first glance.


Think which possible solutions and experiences in the service these technologies can enable, and describe them in detail. Note down the enabling technologies in order to verify the implementation efforts and feasibility in the following steps.