what is it
The goal of the offering map is to clarify what the service provides to the users, detailing the value proposition into more specific clusters of features. There’s not a standard model for this tool: the offering could be described with words, images or through a simple graph. As services grow in complexity, the offering map can also become more articulated, showing distinct macro-areas of offer, and then narrowing them down into more specific areas and functions.
use it to
Shape and explain the service model to an expert audience.
remember to
Flash it out from the user perspective: what can the service organization do for them?
(2004) Sangiorgi, Daniela, Il Design dei Servizi come Design dei Sistemi di Attività: la Teoria dell’attività Applicata alla Progettazione dei Servizi, tesi di dottorato di ricerca in Disegno Industriale, tutor Giuliano Simonelli, relatore Elena Pacenti, co-relatore Stefano Maffei, Politecnico di Milano.